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Litigation Update

Joint Statement by District 1 and District 2

Buckhorn Valley Metropolitan District 2 sent the same statement through its channels so you may be receiving this communication twice.

District 1 and District 2 wanted to send a brief update on the mediation session that occurred on September 12, 2024.

Following the urging of Buckhorn Valley residents, representatives from both Districts participated in good faith and spent an entire day discussing possible next steps.  Topics discussed during mediation are confidential, but we are glad to report that progress was made toward resolving all disputes between the two parties. To that end, the Districts agreed to stay (in other words, pause) all ongoing claims including the litigation between one another through mid-November in order to continue negotiations and work on a draft settlement agreement. District 2’s pending appeals on court decisions made during litigation will move forward.

In the meantime, both Districts commit to working together on the 2025 budget process and will continue to share updates with the community as they work towards a resolution of this dispute.

Buckhorn Valley Metro. Dist. No. 1
Nicholas Richards, Board President 

Buckhorn Valley Metro. Dist. No. 2
Nicholas Viau, Board President

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